Do Not Sell My Info

Information collected and stored is used and shared only as necessary to:

  • Fulfill a request on your behalf
  • Market new products from our company
  • Enhance the experience you receive on our website

To learn more, please visit our Privacy Policy page.

California & Virginia Residents

California residents under the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) and Viriginia residents under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, have the right to make certain requests regarding their personal information. We will fulfill each of these requests to the extent required by law.

  1. You can ask us what personal information we have about you that is collected, stored, and how it is used.
  2. You can ask us to delete personal information that has been collected.

If you are a California or Virgina Resident,you can exercise your rights described above by emailing your request to [email protected]. You may also submit your request by calling (Customer Service Number) Monday through Friday (Hours of Operation & Time Zone).

The information requested here is solely used for the purpose of verifying your identity and documenting your request.

Nevada Privacy Rights

Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes Sections 603A.300-360 we are required to disclose to Nevada residents information related to the sale of personal information. We do not sell customer information as covered by the above statute. A Nevada resident may submit a request for his/her information not to be sold by submitting a request to [email protected].